Running back a timeless conversation about burnout, Black superwoman complex , and our responsibility to self-care Featuring Purpose and Peak Performance Coach Adama Hamadi. As the summer winds down and we prepare for the final quarter of 2022, prioritizing self-care is the quintessence of essential work.

Learn more about Adama’s Work
IG: @dreamleaplive

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Arthur Miller’s “Death of a Salesman” comes to Broadway this fall for 17 weeks only. Previews for this electrifying production begin September 17. Tickets available at

Protect your skin this summer and beyond with KINLÒ. To get you started, we’ve arranged an awesome deal for GG listeners. Save 15 percent on your entire purchase by visiting Be sure to use the promo code: GROWN to secure your savings.

Shop Tabitha Brown for Target, her second limited time collection of decor, home office supplies, gifts, and favorites for your furry friends, designed to bring more joy and wellbeing into your life and the lives of those you love.

Download Best Fiends for FREE from the App Store or Google play. Plus, earn even more with five dollars worth of in-game rewards when you reach level 5. That’s Friends, without the r—Best Fiends.

It’s your time to SHINE with Black-owned products from Target. Adulting is all about self-care. Make sure to protect that melanin glow with some Black Girl Sunscreen. Humidity-proof your hair with Mielle Organics Sculpting Custard. Stay hydrated in the summer heat with Defy Water. When you invest in yourself, you’re investing in what’s next for the Black Community. You and the community together, are Black Beyond Measure.
Email: [email protected]
Twitter: @GettinGrownPod
IG: @GettinGrownPod

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